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The Partner leader of NEFELE is the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA). It currently has 3 Schools (Science and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology for Life), 26 Graduate Schools, 26 Departments and 2597 Teachers (Professors, Associate Professors and Researchers). UNINA involves the LUPT “Raffaele d’Ambrosio” Interdepartmental Research Centre that joins professors from 11 Departments of UNINA, gathering more than 100 professors and researchers in humanities and STEM disciplines. LUPT is committed to training activities, since it delivers continuous professional development courses and vocational courses, and acts as communication, information, public relations, territorial networking and territorial animation about EU topics, to increase awareness and sensitiveness in the field of European citizenship and EU policies. 

The Learning and Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems (LANAS) of LUPT is the laboratory involved which has long and extensive experience in the development of technologies for learning. Within this sector, both from a theoretical and practical point of view, the laboratory conducts research in different areas of the psychological and cognitive sciences. The lab has a multidisciplinary nature, where psychologists, philosophers, engineers and computer scientists collaborate.

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