The professionaL orientation through technology and gaming: training workshop for teachers

17:30 - 17:45
17:45 - 18:00
Introduction to the NEFELE ERAMUS+ project
18:00 - 18:30
Support students in choosing a professional career: the NEFELE training model
18:30 – 18:45
The use of Tangible User Interfaces in educational contexts
18:45 - 19:15
Presentation of NEFELE game: editor and app
19:15 - 20:25
Practical session
20:25 - 20:30

June 7


Dra. Rosa M
ª Baños (Labpsitec, UV), Dra. Marta Miragall (Labpsitec, UV), Dra. Marian SerranoMendizábal (ERILectura, UV)

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