NEFELE tools presentation - EADTU

April 24, 2024

Why this event?

The ERASMUS+ KA2 NEFELE project (Neet prevention in Education systems through positive Future vision Enhancing Learning and teacher Education) aims to implement in curricula of teachers in training and tenured teaching modules to enable training on the issues of career development in adolescence and “support them to support” their students.
Recognizing the function of education systems to ensure a safe space for children students to plan their future, teachers take on a key role in support to the career building of their students.

The present event has been planned with the aim of disseminating NEFELE projects’ products among school teachers.

Scientific and organizational committee:


Marina Pettignano;

Vasiliki Takouli;

Rosanna Napolano.

More info:
EADTU, Europe’s leading institutional association for online, open & distance higher education

10:00 AM
Welcome speech and introduction by EADTU
10:10 AM
Speaker Marina Pettignano presents: Career development in the 20th and 21st centuries, teachers' role in adolescents' career development and positive education: the theoretical basis of NEFELE training programme
10:30 AM
Speaker Vasiliki Takouli presents: Promoting students career development at school: the NEFELE MOOC
10:50 AM
Speaker Rosanna Napolano presents: Playing in the classroom to stimulate career planning: the NEFELE digital game
11:10 AM
Q&A session
11:30 AM
Final thoughts and closing

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