Project Result 1
EU Framework of career development
in Teacher Education

Leading Organisation:

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana

PR1 will consist of a formal system of competences necessary for effectively integrating adolescents’ career development in Teacher Education.
Preparing for one’s vocational future is considered one of the core developmental tasks in adolescence and EU countries have recognized the importance of assisting adolescents in successful career preparation (OECD, 2004). Teachers have a key role in pupils’ career choice.
The PR1 will give methodological landmarks that can be useful to teachers for enhancing adolescents’ career development. Furthermore, useful guidelines for an innovative and inclusive methodology to enhance the teaching for the teachers (in HEI) to adolescents’ career development will be delivered. The innovative aspect is the creation of a framework of early NEET prevention empowered by technology. The teachers will learn through technology (MOOC, PR2), and at the same time, they will use supportive technology (BOX, PR3) in their classroom. In this sense, the framework will include enhancing the vision of the future of adolescents with a new methodology based on the TUI paradigm, thus concrete manipulation of objects with multimedia feedback. The theoretical framework will be organized according to the following dimensions:

  • Career development theories in the 21st century
  • Future orientation and hope, optimism, and positive emotions
  • 21st century career skills
  • The role of teachers in career development.

The partnership will deliver an ad hoc framework that benefits from existing theories specifically for Teacher Education. Moreover, the framework will also provide the technological and methodological framework to improve these dimensions. 


  1. creating a comprehensive framework with several ground-breaking elements (career development in the 21st century) specifically for Teacher Education
  2. creating educational activities for teacher and pupils fostering future orientation skills through technology
  3. developing an inclusive methodology to reduce the job gender game, with a strategy that contributes to an overall inclusive learning environment in which girls and boys feel equal and opens not to think about possible jobs like gender-related.

The framework will be documented in a professionally designed handbook available in six languages (English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch). The framework will be published in scientific publication to reach the research and policy communities. The report will be organized according to the following dimensions:

  • State of the art (latest national and EU data of NEET phenomenon)
  • Career development and future orientation
  • The relevance of adolescents’ career issue learning in ITE and CPD courses
  • The role of the teacher in adolescents’ career development
  • Integration of TUI paradigms for enhancing adolescent career development
  • Inclusive aspects exploiting the TUI
  • Potential of TUI methodology for classroom activities
  • Potential reapplication of the model in other contexts  

Tangibility and Innovation

The report is an open text and offers a new perspective on the innovation in HE courses. We can be a useful early strategy to contrast the NEET phenomenon and school drop-out problems and facilitate educational transitions (middle school to high school) and future school-to-work transition.

Expected Impact and Tranferability

  • To provide and validate an EU reference framework for adolescent career development teaching competences
  • To identify, define and reference the key-components of competences needed by the teacher to enhance adaptability, flexibility, hope and optimism in pupils
  • Enhancing the HE courses integrating this methodology
  • Develop a CoP in the field.

The NEET phenomenon is an urgent problem that characterizes Europe’s whole and requires strong contrast measures. Teachers must be trained to encourage early prevention in the education system. This approach will be designed for transferability across EU.

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